Thursday, March 29, 2007

Seeing the Bigger Perspective

One of the exciting things about prayer is that God shows us things; He opens our eyes and we are able to see past the tough circumstances.

2 Kings 6:15-17 is the account where the prophet Elisha and his servant are surrounded by the Syrian army. It looked like a hopeless situation to the servant, until Elisha prayed for him. Then, the servant's eyes were opened and he saw that there was a greater host of angels in chariots of fire. At that time his perspective changed, because he saw the bigger picture.

There is much help as others pray for us, and as we pray for others. Our prayers for each other help us to get through the tough times. It is through these prayers that we are helped to experience times of revelation and empowerment where the "lights come on" and we see things in God's perspective. We know God moves and brings us enlightenment in our lives, yet how much more when we are praying for others and they are praying for us.

Not only can we pray for each other as Christians, we can also pray for the unsaved – and they too can experience this eye opening. Prayer helps to bring light into the dark places, prayer softens the hard hearts, it also answers the questions people have, because it gets the Holy Spirit working in their lives.

God bless you as you help make a difference with your prayers.

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