Friday, April 6, 2007

He is Risen

As we come into Easter we can all remember, and rejoice together, that Jesus was raised from the dead. The power and might of God was demonstrated by the resurrection, nothing could keep Jesus from rising from the dead. He triumphed over death and hell and sin – the grave could not hold Him down.

The empty tomb and the living Christ testify to the power of the resurrection. It is no longer us who lives, but it is Christ who lives in us. We now know the mighty power that works in us, the power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at the right hand of God in the heavenly places. And in us dwells the living hope, the hope of glory, Christ Himself.

Not only can we remember and rejoice, but also we can proclaim the new life we have in Christ. We can reach out with a message of hope and new life, to a world that is full of people without hope and who do not know the freedom and new life there is in Christ.

It is my prayer that all of us who are in Christ, who know His life and hope, will be able to reach those around us with the good news of the resurrection. The message of Easter, the empty tomb and resurrection, is too powerful not to share. Lord give us boldness, and let those we come in contact with be hungry and ready to hear of this message of new life and freedom in Christ.

God bless you all

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