The exciting thing about life with the Lord and our relationship with Jesus is that it is real and it pleases Him. We know that prayer is more than just reading off a list of needs, it is about a two way communication, it is about communion with the Lord. When we are active and involved with our relationship, when we really “enter in” we can find that it is not just only about praying. There comes a point when we realize that we have entered into the heavenly realm, and we have begun to worship Him.
The word worship comes from "worth-ship" which speaks of His worth - it's all about Jesus, He is worthy. As we read in Revelation we see that heaven is filled with worship and the focus is on the lamb who is on the throne. As we enter into worship, we actually experience a little bit of heaven on earth.
When King David set up what is called the Tabernacle of David, 1 Chron 15 tells about bringing the ark back, 1 Chron 16 tells about setting up 24/7 worship. Many of the Psalms (written by David and by Asaph) were written at the Tabernacle of David. If you keep a journal and write our thought and prayers to the Lord, you have probably already found that there can be a “psalm type” quality to some of the writings.
Worship is more than singing, it is about lifestyle and it is about obedience - and is about devotion and delight. It is about presenting ourselves to God as living sacrifices, which is our spiritual worship (Rom 12:1-2).
He is worthy, and as we live our lives focused on Him we honor Him and we give Him glory. Worship is not limited to a church service or to what many see as something spiritual. As we are walking in the grace He has provided and as we are faithful to what He has called us to, we are able to be a worship to Him. It's about entering into and living more in the Spirit, in the heavenly realm; and that is what we are made for. Heb 11:13-16 tells us that we are not of this world, but that we are strangers and pilgrims here on this earth - for we are part of His heavenly country.
Worship is about the Lord, it's all about Jesus, and we have such a privilege to be a part of His Kingdom. Each and every day we have the opportunity to experience this heaven on earth and worship Him. We have the opportunity to join in with the heavenly hosts, to focus on Jesus and to join in with the acknowledgment that He is worthy.
God bless you all.