Thursday, March 29, 2007
Seeing the Bigger Perspective
2 Kings 6:15-17 is the account where the prophet Elisha and his servant are surrounded by the Syrian army. It looked like a hopeless situation to the servant, until Elisha prayed for him. Then, the servant's eyes were opened and he saw that there was a greater host of angels in chariots of fire. At that time his perspective changed, because he saw the bigger picture.
There is much help as others pray for us, and as we pray for others. Our prayers for each other help us to get through the tough times. It is through these prayers that we are helped to experience times of revelation and empowerment where the "lights come on" and we see things in God's perspective. We know God moves and brings us enlightenment in our lives, yet how much more when we are praying for others and they are praying for us.
Not only can we pray for each other as Christians, we can also pray for the unsaved – and they too can experience this eye opening. Prayer helps to bring light into the dark places, prayer softens the hard hearts, it also answers the questions people have, because it gets the Holy Spirit working in their lives.
God bless you as you help make a difference with your prayers.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Thank God for Interruptions
I am always amazed at the ministry of Jesus as I read the Gospels. He preached to multitudes, He fed thousands, He moved in power to bring healing and deliverance, He walked on water – yet, in all of this He did not lose sight of the individual people around Him. We read how He was moved with compassion as He saw a need, and moved into the situation to meet that need. He did not let interruptions get in His way; instead He used the interruptions as an opportunity to minister and to touch lives.
When the blind man came on the scene and yelled out, Son of David have mercy on me, the disciples tried to quiet the man up. When the little children came to Him, the disciples tried to shoo them away because after all Jesus was important and could not be interrupted. Well, we know that in these situations and in so many others in the Gospels Jesus did not put the people off who interrupted, what He did was stop and meet the need in their lives.
Wow, what a response. I have to admit that so many times when I am interrupted I will get impatient, feel put out, or worse yet – react at someone (ouch). And too many times that person I react at is someone who is in need. Yes, I find myself acting just like those who were with Jesus, and I try to avoid the interruption. However, I see there is a better way to handle things, and that way is to follow the example of Jesus.
I invite you to join with me as I reflect on the example of Jesus and how He did not let things get in the way of people. Jesus was always ready to serve, to give, and to minister to a need. Mark 10:45 tells us that He can not to be served, but to serve…
Paul has some great insight about Jesus regarding this issue.
Phil 2:3-4
3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. 4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
Paul then goes on in verse 5 that we need to have this same attitude, this same mindset that Jesus had, which was (which is) to look out for the interests of others, and not to think we are more important than others, or that our time is too valuable to not help someone (another ouch).
Lord, we pray that You will help us to see interruptions from a different perspective from now on, that You will help us to look past our own interests and agendas, and to be sensitive to how You may want us to move in a situation. Help all of us Jesus to walk with a greater sensitivity to You so that we might see lives touched and the hand of God move.
God bless you all
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Tent of Meeting
In Exodus 33 we read how Moses would leave the camp to go be with the Lord, and to hear from Him. I have always been stirred about this place and how the cloud of His presence would descend upon the tent and Moses would speak face to face with the Lord. It’s a good thing to love the presence of the Lord, for as we spend time with Jesus, it changes us and when we go out in the world we can help make a positive difference because of the touch of the Lord on our lives. Now, we may not literally shine like Moses did when he came out of the presence – but we are different as we spend time with the Lord (but it would be great it God would do some shining in us).
While this tent of meeting was where Moses would go, he was not the only one who went into the tent. We read in verse 11 that his servant
What a powerful example this is to all of us. Not only can we be strengthened and enhanced in our relationship with Jesus as we set a time and place apart to be with Him – but we can set an example for others to follow.
Lord we love you and it is our desire to be with you and to know you more. Hear the cry of our heart this day to be with you and know you more. Lead us Lord, as we lead those who follow us. May there be a renewed love for your presence in our lives and in all of your church.
God bless you all
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Thoughts about Prayer
John 15 speaks of the picture of the branch abiding in the vine. If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask what you will and it will be done for you.
Jesus taught us to pray to the Father (the Lord's prayer), but we are also told to pray in Jesus name.
The Psalms and David's relationship with the Lord show me that He wants us to be honest and open with Him.
At the core level my prayer life is devotional, based on my realtionship with the Lord. I love to pray what I learn in the Word and even Pray the Word.
I figure if I base my prayer life on relationship with Him - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and on the Word, that all else can just flow out of this.
Besides devotion to Jesus, I pray for people (intercession). There is a core group of family and friends and others that get regular prayer. Then there are other people and many situations and circumstances that get my attention in prayer - most of these come from what the Lord lays on my heart as I am in fellowship and relationship with Him. Jesus followed the Father, and did nothing of His own initiative (like, not my will, but your will be done). I figure that's not a bad pattern to follow.
As I have prayed more and as I get older, I am less hung up on the mechanics of prayer and just try to flow in Him. Prayer is about bringing the Kingdom of God into the world.
God bless you all
Light Brings Illumination
Here is a verse that describes the light bearing quality of God's word;
Ps 119:130
The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.
As we pray, God will open our spiritual eyes, and He will also move on those that we pray for. In Eph 1:18 Paul prayed that the eyes of peoples' understanding would be enlightened. This is one of the reasons we intercede for others, that they would be able to see the light of Christ and become saved.
Every day we come across people who are in the dark about something, and we have the answer for what these people need. God's Word and our prayers can bring light into dark situations. Yes, this is simple and this is basic – but it is real and it is powerful.
It's easy to turn on a light switch, and it is also easy to use the Word and prayer to turn on the spiritual light. Be encouraged to make a difference by letting His light bring illumination.
God bless you all.
When Light Shines Darkness Flees
We have the opportunity and privilege to be His light bearers in the world. As we abide in Him and grow in relationship with Him, He shines His light in and through us. Each and every day we can help show that there is a difference as we let His light shine in our lives. We don't need to be shy or apologetic around others; we are called to reaching out to others and representing Christ. He has changed us and made us new, and we can help show others they don't have to stay in the dark – or be afraid of it.
God bless you and you let the light shine.
Light Attracts
John 12:32
And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.
When we give Him praise, or acknowledge Him in front of others we lift up the light. This can also be done as we share from His word; even if people are not familiar with the Bible it will show forth the light of Christ as they hear it. In 2 Cor 5:5-6 we are told that preaching (proclaiming, sharing) His word is like shinning a light in a dark place.
The thing that is so exciting about this is that as we spend time with Jesus and in His word, it will show, people will notice. Being a Christian and having an ongoing relationship with Him is one of the best ways that we can make a difference in the world. The point is that we don't need to work it up, as He moves in our lives, He will also move through our lives. Just think how much light would show forth if all of us Christians were actively relating to the Lord on a daily basis.
Have a great day in Him, God bless you all.
Let Your Light Shine
Each and every day we have the opportunity and privilege to show the light of Christ. Some may ask how we do this, and the answer is there are many ways, but the key to this is being in Christ and Christ being in us. As we take time each day to be with Jesus we renew the light that He has placed within us.
Many of us have been around others who had close relationships with Jesus, and they helped motivate and encourage us to grow in our faith. My mother-in-law was a big inspiration in my early Christian life. I remember being around her after she had her quiet time with Jesus, I loved it; it made me hungry to be with Jesus myself. There is something about a relationship with Jesus, when it shows, it is contagious.
All of us have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those we come in contact with. As we love the Lord and let Him love us, His light will shine forth.
God bless you all
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Seeking God Early
Over the years I have found that there is something special when the first thing I do each morning is take time with the Lord. Practically speaking it makes all the difference in the day. In Him I find all that I need, and as I poise my heart before Him, it helps to set my course for that which is ahead of me. Probably, the best way for me to explain this is to comment on how different it is when I do not take the time to just be with Him in the morning.
If you are like me, there is a time in the morning when the activities of the day start, and they keep me busy from that point on. Sure, the Lord is with me no matter what, yet when I have been with Jesus first thing, I know the difference. His presence and His love make a difference in me, all the difference. As I am with Him, whether in prayer, or in the Word, or just enjoying His presence, there is something wonderful that happens. All I can say my day is better when I take time each morning to be with Him and focus on His love and the relationship I have with Him. This is not a religious duty; it is the wonderful opportunity to begin the day with Jesus.
David had a heart to seek God early.
Ps 63:1-5
1 O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.
2 So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory.
3 Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You.
4 Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.
5 My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.
Even Jesus took time in the morning to pray.
Mark 1:35
Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.
As I said there is just something special that can happen in the morning when we spend time early with Him. In the Old Testament, when the Children of Israel were in the wilderness, the Lord brought manna for them each day (except the Sabbath). The people would get up and go out while it was still early and gather the manna, because if they waited till later, the manna was gone. He provided something special, something from Heaven for them each morning.
This is not to say that He does not provide for us at others times, that is not the case at all. The purpose of this note and this example from the OT is simply to illustrate how wonderful and special time in the morning with the Lord can be.
If you have not been spending time with Him in the morning, I encourage you to give it a try. There is nothing that compares to time with Jesus, and as we start our days with Him, we can have a whole new outlook on life.
God bless you all.
When is the best time to pray?
People always ask, what is the best time to pray? If we look at prayer as simply a cause and an effect, the answer would be when there is a need that is the time to pray. However, prayer is so much more than coming to the Lord with a list of requests; it is about growing in our relationship and developing a level of ongoing communication.
One way to answer this question about when to pray is to look at it terms of how we communicate today. Prayer can be like making a cell phone call, sending a text message, or sending an email. We have our phones and computers around us all time (many people actually have them with them all the time) and at anytime we can send a message. When we want to communicate, we just do it. However, we can take this a step farther and we can just go online and stay online, we don't have to be limited to making multiple calls. With today's technology there are anytime minutes and there are online chat features; people can stay on line all the time, if they want to �" and there are people who come close to doing this.
Today's technology is great and it has opened up communication to a whole new level. All the different communication providers continue to make it easier and easier for us to be in touch with others. However, none of this technology compares to what God offers us. He is always available and He is always there for us. All we need to do is simply seek Him. This invitation, this benefit, this relationship is open to each and every person. All of us at any time can simply talk to the Lord, we can pray, we can ask questions, or we can just simple be with Him. He is always there, because He is everywhere all at the same time.
So when is the best time to pray? My simple answer is now. Now is the best time to pray. Now is the best time to be in relationship with Him and to be in Him.
God Bless you all.
Being and Encourager is Encouraging
What started off as my simple attempt to encourage each of these men, wound up being a wonderfully encouraging experience for each of us. The other evening I was praying for the first man, and I had such a sense of God's heart of love for him, as I prayed I stopped for a moment and called him to share that I was feeling the love of the Lord for him. He was not there so I left him a voice mail message. Here is what he wrote to me the next day.
"I got your voice message. I was commenting to my wife last night that while driving home at about 5:30 or so I had the most amazing thing happen. I felt the strongest downdraft of the love of God I had ever experienced. It was so amazing. It was very warm and I felt like my spirit was filling up with the concentrated, warm love of God. I have never experienced anything quite so intense that seemed like pure love before. I wonder if this was when you were praying for me?" (Note – yes, it was the time I was praying.)
In the other case I prayed for this brother who is in a job transition. We have both been busy and haven't seen each other for a while, so I wanted to call him and encourage him, especially as I was prompted by the Holy Spirit. I left him a voice mail message, and let him know how much I appreciated him, that I was praying for him, and that I knew the Lord would be making a way for him in this time of change. The next day he calls me and he was just blown away, the message I left him was a tremendous blessing for him, he went on and on and told me he had just thought about me the day before and told his wife he had missed talking to me.
I know these men were blessed – and so was I. As you can imagine I am going to continue to pray for people and encourage them as I hear from the Lord.
It is my prayer that this "testimony" is something that motivates people to pray and encourage others. Just imagine how much the Lord can do in changing the world as we simply start hearing and doing, and letting Him touch others through what we do.
God bless you all.
He moves in us and through us
There is the seed that fell by the wayside, it did not get planted, because it was not understood and the wicked one came and stole the word away. Then there was the seed that went into the hard and rocky soil, it was received with joy but because of the soil was not able to root so when pressure and tribulation came the person stumbled. The third type of soil was filled with thorns, so when the growth came it was choked out by the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of sin. However, the fourth and final soil was the good soil, and the seed became fruitful, even bring a harvest of 30, 60, and 100 fold.
As intercessors it is easy for us to apply this teaching only to others and pray for the soil of their heart to be good and for the seed of the Word of God to flourish in their lives. This is a great thing to do, and we can all see positive change and powerful things happen in peoples' lives as we pray for them.
In addition to the work of God in others, we know that He also want so move in us. Yes, the Lord wants to move in us and through us. Our intercession can have maximum results as we experience and know the truths that we are praying for others. If we know the moving of the Spirit of God in our lives, if we know the taste of a fresh and living Word, then we can pray more specifically for others.
We can see application of this parable in our own hearts; we can come to the Lord and let Him "break up the fallow ground of our hearts" (Hos 10:12). As we present ourselves to Lord and we are open to His Spirit's moving, we are able to keep focused on Him, to keep distractions out of our lives, and keep the soil of our hearts soft and receptive to His Word. Breaking up our fallow ground is being open and humble, being willing to hear and obey, and it is being quick to respond to the Lord in repentance.
God bless you and you keep your hearts soft and receptive to Him – may the Lord move powerfully in and through you. That He will not only enrich the lives of those you pray for, but that you too will be enriched in Him.
God bless you all.
One Thing
No matter what is going on, or how you feel, He is there for us. Whether you are overwhelmed, or tired, or you have circumstances that are pressing in on you from all sides, the Lord is there for all of us. He is there for us even when times are good, we don't have to issues or use problems as a reason to cry out to the Lord. At anytime, in any place, and no matter what is going on. or how we feel, He is there for us.
The Psalms are a favorite part of the Bible for me, I love reading them all the time. David and the other writers share their real life experiences. They all have their ups and downs, their troubles and complaints, and the times they feel on top of the world. These writings are not canned religious rhetoric; rather these are words from the heart.
Psalm 27 is one of my favorites; it has spoken to me and refreshed me, encouraged me, and given me hope for years. David opens up his heart in the middle of a tough time when he is overwhelmed and surrounded by the enemy. Yet by the time he is done writing he is sharing about the hope and strength and rescue he has experienced in the Lord.
Verse 4 shares a great heart cry of deep passion, which demonstrates David had experienced much in the presence of the Lord.
One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple.
David was able to reach past his circumstances and grab a hold of the Lord. It is my belief that David found a bit of heaven on earth in His relationship with the Lord.
The same place and the same reality of His presence is there for each of us, all we need do is cry out and reach out. What a difference there will be in our lives and even in the world around us as we too cry out for One Thing.
God bless you all.
Always be Ready
New Kings James version
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;
Sanctify is a great word, it means to consecrate, to set apart, and to dedicate to. We get to offer our hearts to the Lord, as worship and service to Him. What a wonderful opportunity to honor God and serve Him as the Priests He has made us to be. As priests we offer praises and worship to the Lord, and also minister on behalf of the people we have the opportunity to carry in our hearts. As intercessors we know about the sacred charge to pray for others and help bear their burdens.
The second part of this verse speaks of the message that we are to carry to the world around us. We are to always be ready to speak to people about the hope that is in our hearts. This is being able to explain and answer questions about what it is to be saved and have a living hope in Christ.
The world does not have hope, in reality those without Christ are without hope in the world (Eph 2:11). That is where we come in; we are the ones who are hear to help show the way. Not only are we to bear burdens and pray for people, we are also to be prepared to be able to communicate what it means to know the love of Christ. We are called to be His witnesses and the messengers of His hope.
Be encouraged to take time this week to sanctify your hearts to the Lord and be renewed in what it is to be one who carries the message of Christ to the world.
God bless you all.